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Hearthstone Without Real Money

Single-player Missions - Hearthstone adventures are no more available in the Standard format, but there are still single-player missions that offer card packs and new cards, and they can be bought for gold or real money. Currently(2020), there are 3 available 'Missions' in Standard format.

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  2. Hearthstone Without Real Money Download
  3. Hearthstone Without Real Money 2020
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  • Every Hearthstone card is part of a set. You can complete the Basic Set simply by playing the game, but to get cards from the other sets you’ll have to either spend some gold or real money.
  • When you’re first starting out in Hearthstone, your collection will be pretty slim - but it's easy enough to build it out just by playing, without the need to spend real money (though that's.
While World of Warcraft players have made their way through the Dark Portal yet again with the release of The Burning Crusade Classic, Hearthstone keeps it the “real Classic way” and further explores the wilderness of the Barrens.
With the year’s first mini-set called Wailing Caverns, the Forged in the Barrens expansion introduces Hearthstone players to WoW’s original dungeon experience located in the heart of the Horde leveling zone.
We take a good look at Hearthstone’s brand-new content released with Patch 20.4 including new cards and the fascinating lore implications of Xyrella’s Book of Mercenaries single-player adventure!
I'm Tharid, a writer for Wowhead's sister site Hearthstone Top Decks, and I'll be covering the new content around Hearthstone's mini-set Wailing Caverns and Patch 20.4. If you want to check out the most recent news about the expansion, head over to hearthstonetopdecks.com!

Wailing Caverns - The Obvious Mini-Set Choice

For the Hearthstone community, the setting of Forged in the Barren’s mini-set doesn’t come as a surprise.
This year’s general storyline telling the tale of Warcraft’s original faction conflict and a group of Hearthstone-exclusive characters called the Mercenaries already hinted towards a very adventure-centric approach. And not enough: The fact that said Mercenaries group consists of five Alliance and five Horde adventurers essentially gave away that the Wailing Caverns dungeon will be featured as this year’s first “expansion in an expansion”.

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However, players already expecting the dungeon to provide the setting of a possible mini-set still didn’t know how Team 5 would engage with the classical WoW dungeon experience. In this case, the official trailer answers this question in the well-known Hearthstone-fashioned way:
The mercenaries group around Bru'kan, Rokara, Guff Runetotem, Varden Dawngrasp, and Tamsin Roame are confronted by nobody other than Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem.
What's even more surprising though is that Guff is, in fact, Hamuul's great-nephew. We knew Guff's last name for quite a while, but an affiliation with the elite druid clan wasn't confirmed until the release of the trailer.
This major lore update stands as a perfect example to Team 5's honest approach not only regarding the Wailing Caverns mini-set but their plan to include the mercenaries storylines into canonical Warcraft lore - and we will learn even more about these as soon as we talk about Xyrella's Book of Mercenaries single-player adventure.

Dungeon Bosses and Adventurers

Besides the mercenaries themselves, a quick look at the four new legendary cards featured in Wailing Caverns shows that the developers definitely succeeded with painting a true picture of the Barrens “super-dungeon”:
While the chosen effects for Kresh, Mutanus, and Lady Anacondra stay true to their original characters in World of Warcraft, Archdruid Naralex' card text steals the cake. Hearthstone's Dormant is one of the very few keywords that work outside of expansion context, and the fact that only a handful of Dormant cards exist shows how special playing Naralex should feel from a gameplay standpoint. In addition to that, the second part of the effect that adds one of Ysera's Dream cards to your hand completes the fantasy behind the druid that tried to reach into the Emerald Dream but only found a nightmare instead.
But not only Wailing Cavern's story protagonists are featured in the mini-set - in fact, we, the players, play a starring role as well!Codes
A majority of the new cards will summon or interact with so-called 'Adventurers'. Warcraft experts know that players have always been called adventurers in canonical lore, and Hearthstone uses that fact to expand the dungeon experience even further. The 2-mana 2/2 adventurer tokens spawn with random keywords, showcasing the many different archetypes and playstyles of real players provided by class choice, specialization, and gameplay.

Xyrella's Book of Mercenaries - A Certain Lady and the Shard of a Naaru

Patch 20.4, besides Wailing Caverns, also introduced the second chapter of Book of Mercenaries.
Just like Book of Heroes, Hearthstone's first attempt at a character-driven single-player adventure mode, BoM focuses on the ten mercenaries and their origin stories that will evolve during the Year of the Gryphon.
You may ask yourself: Why are we talking about a small single-player update?
First of all, we have already learned that Book of Mercenaries is used as a story vehicle just like expansions and mini-sets. And while Forged in the Barrens and Wailing Caverns take a look at the Horde side of things, Xyrella's Book of Mercenaries chapter provides the Alliance perspective of a year-long faction storyline.
Xyrella, the Priest mercenary, shares her fate as a draenei and servant of the Light. Once a student of Prophet Velen himself, she is now trying to save her daughter who fell into a coma after the Exodar crashed on Azeroth.
During her nightly prayer, Xyrella caught sight of a mystical object in the sky. It instantly exploded, and what the draenei call The Night of Falling Stars from there on provided the desperate priest with a holy vision. In that vision, she saw the naaru Mi'da, a holy entity of the Light, who said:
I am Mi'da, Pure Light. gather my pieces. Reform me. Only I have the power to save your daughter's life.

Enlightened by the naaru, Xyrella makes her way into the Barrens to find salvation after the death of her beloved husband, the crystal parts of Mi'da, and a cure for her daughter.
Over the course of eight encounters, Xyrella and a certain dwarf called Tavish, the Hunter mercenary, fight their way through Horde territory. They follow the vision of the priest and reach Sludge Fen, the oil rig controlled by a group of Venture Co. goblins. While fighting a menacing mech engine that seems to hold one of the crystals, yet another mercenary joins the fray: The gnome rogue Scabbs Cutterbutter.
After they've defeated the mech and are about to leave the scene, a certain orc called Garona Halforcen appears to steal the crystal. In an epic encounter, the Alliance mercenaries eventually manage to rout the elite assassin. Throughout the final dialogue, we learn that not only the Horde holds an interest in regards to the crystals: A certain lady called Katrana Prestor, 'King Varian's top advisor', ordered several Alliance mercenaries, including Tavish and Scabbs, to retrieve the naaru pieces.

More Part of the Universe than Parallel Universe

Now, what does that all mean?
First of all, we learn that this year's storyline plays during the aftermath of the Third War, one of the most fascinating and original time frames in all of Azeroth's history. Additionally, the fact that Katrana Prestor, also known as Deathwing's daughter Onyxia, investigates the death of a naaru truly reads like a tale of epic Warcraft proportions.
While the Horde mercenaries try to level up in the Wailing Caverns, the Alliance part of the group uncovers something big - so big that really no other released Hearthstone event tied to Warcraft lore compares to it.
Over the last years, we've come to the conclusion that Team 5 tries to establish a parallel Hearthstone storyline in the Warcraft universe. A narcissistic goblin doctor, a dim-witted archeologist with a mustache - these were the Hearthstone characters we had to work with in the past. But dying naaru and evil-plotting black dragons? That reads like canonical Warcraft lore!
The Wailing Caverns mini-set, despite the fact that we're talking about WoW's beginner dungeon, oozes with Warcraftian epicness and certainly lacks the usual Hearthstone goofball approach. That trend is continued by Xyrella's Book of Mercenaries, where Hearthstone's writers seem to build up an authentic Warcraft story experience.
No matter what Hearthstone's year-long storyline may have in store for us from here - this patch already set the premise for a great adventure that feels like it truly belongs into the Warcraft universe as we know it.Get Wowhead Premium
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So you decided to get started withHearthstone, or perhaps to return to the game after some time away. Welcome back! But perhaps what’s been putting you off from the game has been the fact that you have a small card collection, and don’t feel like you can compete on equal footing with veteran players.

That is a very common concern, and an extremely valid one. But building your Hearthstone collection can be expensive if you’re doing it by buying packs with real money. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to make the process of collecting cards and bolstering your collection as easy — and cheap — as possible. The game has lots of sources for free cards if you’re willing to put in a little time to get them, helping you collect cards without spending cash.

Read on to find out more about how to be smart about increasing your Hearthstone card collection without spending any money.

Do your quests to level up in the Rewards Track

The main thing you need to know is that Hearthstone uses a system called the Rewards Track. As you play the game, you earn experience — XP — which goes into the track, earning you levels. With each level up you earn a small reward. Sometimes it’s gold, other times it’s card packs, and on a few specific levels, you may get rewards like specific golden cards or Hero portraits.

Earning XP is of utmost importance to building your collection, since the gold you get from the Rewards Track can be used to purchase card packs without spending real money. Although you can earn XP simply by playing a lot of games, that’s not terribly efficient. Instead, your focus should be on completing daily and weekly quests.

If you just log into Hearthstone every day — or even every other day — and tackle your quests, your constant XP flow will give you gold, which in turn will allow you to buy a lot of packs. Most of these daily and weekly quests can even be done on the single player modes, while challenging a friend, or playing the weekly Tavern Brawl, so you don’t need top-tier decks to progress.

Keep in mind that you can accumulate up to three daily quests and up to three weekly quests at once. So it can be more efficient to wait until you have a full set of dailies and weeklies before tackling them in order to potentially double-dip on quests and get them done more quickly. But at the same time, you never want to finish a day with three dailies undone, since that means you will “waste” a daily on the following day, and miss out on that precious XP. Play smart!

Unlock all the cards in the Core Set

Hearthstone’sCore Set of cards includes the most basic cards in the game, which constitute the foundation of most decks. And all players get the full Core Set at no cost — as long as they’ve leveled up each of the game’s ten classes. If you’re a returning player, you’ve probably already done this, but if you’re a brand new player, you’ll want to make it a priority.

The Core Set will always make up the basic building blocks of decks, because Core Set cards will rotate every year, bringing in new and interesting cards. If you’ve already unlocked the Core Set by leveling up your classes, you’ll get the latest Core Set cards automatically. So this is a one-time process that will earn you cards that will always be up to date with the game, no matter how many years pass.

So as you’re starting out, you should focus on leveling up all ten classes by playing as them on the more casual modes of the game, such as the single player modes or the Tavern Brawl.

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Play the Tavern Brawl every week

In fact, make sure to play that Tavern Brawl every week! The reasons for this are many: You will earn XP in a more relaxed mode, you will level up your classes, you will gain knowledge at the game, and your first win rewards you a card pack containing relatively recent Standard cards. Right now, it rewards a Year of the Phoenix pack which contains cards from the Ashes of Outland, Scholomance Academy, and Madness at the Darkmoon Faire expansions.

The Tavern Brawl rotates every Wednesday (and we have a weekly guide to help you win it), so be sure you get your win of the week before then!

Spend your gold on card packs

As you level up on the Rewards Track and earn gold, you should spend that gold on packs from the in-game shop. You can buy a single pack from any expansion for 100 gold, so if you do your quests you’ll be able to grab several packs a week.

Here’s a tip: even though the in-game UI doesn’t make it very obvious at all, you can actually purchase multiple packs with gold at once. Do you see that “1 pack = 100 gold” button? Just double click it, and type your desired amount on the pop-up window that shows up.

Also remember that you are guaranteed to earn a Legendary for every 40 packs you open of a same set — this is informally called the “pity timer.” With each new pack you open that doesn’t contain a Legendary, the game will slowly increase your change of earning a Legendary until you get one. The chance hits 100% at the 40th pack, but you’ll rarely need to open that many. So it might be useful to keep track of how many packs of a specific set you’ve already opened in order to know how long until you earn your Legendary, and “reset” your pity timer.

Disenchant duplicate cards (and a few others)

As you build up your card collection, you’ll inevitably wind up with some duplicate cards. Because decks can’t contain more than two copies of each card (or one copy of each Legendary card), there’s no reason to keep more than that. These cards can be disenchanted to give you dust which you can use to craft new cards. To do this, just open your card collection, click “Crafting” then “Disenchant Extra Cards.” The game will automatically find any duplicates and let you disenchant them all with a single click.

But you shouldn’t randomly disenchant cards — even if you think you aren’t likely to use them. When you disenchant a card, you won’t get enough dust to immediately craft another card, so it’s best to hang on to them. Cards may be buffed in the future or find a use in a future meta. Another reason not to disenchant cards is that the game has a built-in duplicate protection. So if you already have a certain Legendary card, you are guaranteed not to open that same Legendary from a pack until you have already collected every single Legendary from that set. If you “dust” a Legendary you aren’t planning on using, you might end up opening a pack with that same Legendary again. Letting it sit in your collection works as guarantee that the next Legendary you open will have a slightly higher chance of being one that you could use.

There are only two exceptions to the “don’t disenchant” rule:

  • “Nerfed” cards. Whenever a balance pass happens, some cards might end up being nerfed. Whenever that happens, the game will tell you that you can disenchant those cards and get a full dust refund (if you already own them), meaning you’ll immediately get enough dust to craft a different card of the same quality. In that case — and if you’re not planning on using those cards anyway — it’s worth it to disenchant them. In the worst case you can always just make it again.
  • Golden cards — if you want to craft another card of the same rarity. For example: if you get a Golden Legendary card that you’re not planning on using, you may want to disenchant it, since that will net you the same amount of dust that it costs to craft any other (non-Golden) Legendary card of your choice.

Craft the right cards

Hearthstone Without Real Money 2020

So you’ve been expanding your collection and disenchanting your duplicates — that will earn you Dust, which you can use to craft other cards. When you don’t want to spend real money on the game, you should be smart about this by crafting the right cards.

What Is Real Money

  • Favor those cards that you can use on multiple decks. Strong neutral cards are usually a safer bet than strong class cards because you can use them in decks from any class.
  • Make sure that you’ll get actual use out of the card you’re crafting: you should only craft cards that you can use in a deck that’s already proven to be strong. You should keep an eye on the metagame to pay attention to what everyone else is playing — and winning with. You don’t want to waste your precious Dust on cards that you don’t end up using.

Hearthstone Without Paying

So there you have it. If you follow these tips, you will be able to earn gold and manage your dust as efficiently as possible, and you’ll build up your collection in no time, just by playing the game — hopefully with little to no real money expenditure required. Have fun!

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