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Earn Money Online Using Cell Phone

(how to make money online using cellphone).In these video i will show you how to make money online by using your cell phone/smart phone online fr free these. In today’s world, there are many opportunities that make it possible for you to start a profitable business with nothing than your cell phone or laptop if you want to scale it The main thing you need is the hunger to start the business, the knowle.

Published: February 20, 2020 | Updated: November 18, 2020 | Posted by: Ricky Publico | Gadget Protect

Published: February 20, 2020
Updated: November 18, 2020
Posted by: Ricky Publico | Gadget Protect

Looking to earn some additional income? No need to look further because you can actually do so right from your smartphone. Yes, the thing that you can’t live without nowadays can help you find ways on how to earn money online. Isn’t that great? Who knew your phone can offer you more than just the ability to scroll through cute baby pictures and stalk your ex?

Indeed, there are ways to generate passive income using only your phone. Granted, some of these methods require other things, but the main requirement is a handy smartphone. And if you’re reading this, it’s safe to say that you already have one. So if you’re ready to learn how to earn money through, prepare your smartphone and choose among these business ideas here in the Philippines.

Table of Contents

  • How to Earn Money Online Using Your Smartphone

How to Earn Money Online Using Your Smartphone

Buy and Sell Online

Earn Money Online Using Cell Phones

If you have some unused items lying around your house, you can sell it on online selling platforms using your smartphone. You can sell almost any goods online, from unused clothes, old gaming consoles, legacy phones, and prehistoric gadgets to even appliances, vehicles, and even real estate properties. Start a proper online buy and sell business while you’re at it.

Selling goods online has been a popular way on how to earn money online and thanks to smartphones, it has become a lot easier. You can post your items on the Marketplace through the Facebook app or set up a seller profile through the Carousell app. Or better yet, you can easily register as an online seller on Lazada or Shopee through their respective apps.

Earn Money Online Using Cell Phone

Read more:10 Steps to Starting Your Own Buy and Sell Business

Prepaid Load Business

Earn money using your phone by setting up a prepaid load business. Now that almost every phone requires internet data, a loading business is almost a surefire way to generate profit. Now your friends and colleagues don’t need to go to stores to replenish their precious data. They can just contact and pay you! It’s one of the easiest ways to make your phone profitable.

Transport Booking

For those who have cars, another method on how to earn money online through your smartphone is to become a TNVS driver or operator. Sure, you’ll have to go through some paperwork, but once you start driving around your new TNVS vehicle, you can easily get passengers in just a few swipes. Don’t forget to bring that charming personality of yours.

If you don’t want to go through all those hoops, you can also offer to carpool with your friends and colleagues for a standard fare. This way, you still get to earn a passive income without relying on strangers. But if you don’t have enough friends to carpool with, you can always join carpool groups online and offer your services to those looking for transport alternatives.

Freelance Services

Smartphones come with powerful specs that they can do most tasks on the go. So instead of using your free time to watch K-drama scenes for the nth time, take up some freelance work through an online app. Download the UpWork app[1] and find outsourced jobs online from around the world. You can then use your phone to accomplish tasks like writing, mobile development, and other admin tasks.

Read more:How Freelancers in the Philippines Can Get a Credit Card

Start a YouTube Channel


Thanks to smartphones having great cameras, anyone can easily become a filmmaker. Capitalize on the technology by starting your very own YouTube channel. Using your smartphone, you can easily film performances, tutorials, sketches, and short films. You can basically film anything, as long as your content is entertaining, informative, and family-friendly.

Not only is this a creative outlet, it’s also a chance to learn how to earn money online via your channel’s ad revenue[2]. More content means more views; more views mean more subscribers; and more subscribers mean more ads on your videos. Earn a following and you’ll earn the trust of advertisers who will sponsor your videos, earning you more money in the process.


If you’re more comfortable with your own skin and you don’t mind filming personality-based content, join the vlogging craze in the Philippines[3] by filming yourself doing various things. Vloggers earn a rate from PHP 12.82 to PHP 200 for every 1,000 views on YouTube. You can also try different platforms like Facebook Live to earn a larger following online.

Earn Money Online Using Cell Phone In Costa Rica

Vlogging isn’t limited to travel and event vlogs. It can be as easy as talking to your viewers in front of your smartphone. You can talk about your life, pop culture, politics, and others. You can also invite viewers to ask questions to further engage with them. Earn enough followers and you’ll eventually get sponsoring offers from various advertisers in the country.

Mobile Gaming

Who knew playing an online game like Mobile Legends on your smartphone can offer a way on how to earn money online? Well you better believe it because as of writing, Mobile Legends is the first recognized esports game in the country. It was even part of last year’s SEA Games[4] as an official athletic event. That’s right, you can now be a professional gamer in the Philippines. Isn’t that neat?

Read more:12 Budget Smartphones for All Types of Gamers

Earn money online using cell phone number

Become an Influencer

You can also master how to make money on social media. You can build a large following on all social media platforms to gain access to the perks of being an influencer. From scoring free merch to earning as much as PHP 50,000[5] for posting about an event, being an influencer is a dream career. And you have your smartphone to thank.

But be warned: being an influencer isn’t all free perks. You still have to produce quality social media posts that will attract more followers. Being a thought leader on social media also requires hard work and good networking skills. Also, don’t feel entitled to the free services you’re getting. Respect the people and brands you will work with once you get famous.

Final Thoughts

Expect more methods on how to earn money online using your smartphone in the coming years. With the way things are now, many people would come up with other money-making schemes to maximize the benefits of having an internet and owning a smartphone. As early as now, you should be more aware of your phone’s capabilities so you can use it to generate more passive income.


  • [1] UpWork – App Store | Play Store
  • [2]How Does A YouTuber Make Money?
  • [3]Here’s why vlogging is this generation’s newest career path
  • [4]Mobile Legends is the first confirmed esports title for the 2019 SEA Games
  • [5]The truth about influencers

Ricky is the zaniest Senior Content Writer at Moneymax, with over five years of writing experience in the digital marketing industry. He is a huge fan of pro wrestling, smartphones, and binge-watching. Follow Ricky on LinkedIn.

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